A teenage boy from Gabon, Africa has caught the world's attention with his rendition of Celine Dion's "The Power of Love," including approval from the superstar herself.
A video of Samuel, 17, singing "The Power of Love" in a staircase in Libreville, Gabon has gone viral since it was posted online last week. Since then, the video has received over 3 million views.
Celine Dion became one of Samuel's viewers, and shared his video, writing in French and English:
"Samuel, your talent is as big as your voice. I'm touched my songs have travelled all the way to you and hope we have the chance to meet one day. May all your dreams come true. Keep singing like you do. When music comes from the heart, it knows no borders! Celine xxx"
Check out the video below:
[h/t] Mashable
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