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Santa is Black and Queer in a New Children's Book

Santa is Black and Queer in a New Children's Book

Santa is Black and Queer in a New Children's Book

Everyone loves a gritty reboot.

We all know that Santa is white and heterosexual, right? Oh wait, he's a magical imaginary fat dude who breaks into your house every year to leave your kids presents, he can be whatever you want him to be!

The author of Santa's Husband, published this week, reimagined Santa as black and queer, because everyone loves a gritty reboot. The book was inspired by one of author Daniel Kibbelsmith's tweets.

"In a lot of ways this book is just like any child's first Santa Claus book," author Daniel Kibblesmith told VICE, "the same way that 'Twas the Night Before Christmas contains basically everything you need to know to participate in 'Santa Claus.'"

Obviously a black, queer Santa is not being well received in Trump's America. "The amount of fear that they suddenly have does not seem proportionate to this one book that they can completely ignore if they so chose," says Kibbelsmith.

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