While opening for Randy Rainbow's show at The Paramount, the 56-year-old comedian announced that she's heading to Broadway for the long-awaited return of the hit-musical Funny Girl.
But that's not even the most exciting part. Rosie said that Lady Gaga will be playing the iconic role of Fanny Brice, made famous by Barbara Streisand in the original 1964 Broadway production and 1968 film. Rosie will be playing the role of Fanny's mother, Rose Brice.
Another Twitter user who was present at the show confirmed.
Ever since 2012, when a planned production of the Jule Styne musical fell through, there has been speculation about the return of Funny Girl to Broadway. This would be the second time Gaga has followed in the footsteps of Streisand, following her starring role in the remake of A Star Is Born.
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