During her emotional speech at Elle's 25th annual Women in Hollywood Celebration in Los Angeles on Monday, Lady Gaga confirmed her engagement to agent Christian Carino. The pair have been quietly dating for some time -- they were first spotted getting cozy during the 2017 Super Bowl -- and while rumors have swirled about them making it official since last fall, Gaga confirmed their engagement during her acceptance speech at the Elle event, thanking her "fiance Christian."
"As a sexual assault survivor by someone in the entertainment industry, as a woman who is still not brave enough to say his name, as a woman who lives with chronic pain, as a woman who was conditioned at a very young age to listen to what men told me to do, I decided today I wanted to take the power back. Today I wear the pants," the singer said, referring to her oversized Marc Jacobs suit.
"In an age where I can barely watch the news, I gasped at the unjust men, and some women quite frankly, that I see running this country. I had a revelation that I had to be empowered to be myself today more than ever," she continued. "To resist the standards of Hollywood, whatever that means. To resist the standards of dressing to impress. To use what really matters: my voice."
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