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Andrew Garfield Shares His Love for Miss Vanjie

Andrew Garfield Shares His Love for Miss Vanjie

Andrew Garfield Shares His Love for Miss Vanjie
Matthew Brookes

“I was so disappointed to see Miss Vanjie go — as everyone was."

Andrew Garfield is currently gaying it up on Broadway in Angels in America and it turns out he's really gone Method for the role: not only does he watch RuPaul's Drag Race, he's as obsessed with Vanessa Vanjie Mateo -- aka Miss Vanjie -- and as baffled by her now-iconic exit as the rest of us.

"I was so disappointed to see Miss Vanjie go - as everyone was," Garfield said in an interview with "And that exit is like one of the iconic moments...I believe...of Drag Race history....What the hell was that?" It's actually herstory, Andrew, but we'll let that slide.

"Were you taken over by a divine entity? It's hypnotized the culture," added Garfield. "She was channeling, there was something...Bruce Springsteen and Miss Vanjie, I feel changed by so far this year - maybe Miss Vanjie slightly more profoundly."

Watch the interview below.

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