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With Pride Month Over, The Internet Suggests We Move On To Wrath Month

Wrath Day after Pride Month
Alfredo Zuniga/AP

Now to plan that Wrath parade.

The end of Pride Month is always bittersweet. The LGBTQ community enjoys a short time when they are widely celebrated, commodified by billion-dollar corporations, and celebrate how far we've come while understanding that there's still a long way to go. Once July hits it can sometimes feel like that all-encompassing sense of comradery evaporates but, if we obey our internet overlords, that doesn't have to be the case this year.

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Since radical evangelical Christians remind the LGBTQ community year-round that pride goeth before the fall and that pride is one of the seven deadly sins, it seems only natural that we, as a community, move from one deadly sin to the next. Hence, July has been dubbed (per the internet) as LGBTQ Wrath month.

Tweets and social media calls to action tell everyone that as we transition from pride to wrath our gayness and queerness only grows. Twitter user @SouthernHomo was even kind enough to map out the rest of the year's months into other deadly sins for the LGBTQ community to celebrate.

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