Back in 2005, Dante's Cove seamlessly combined the supernatural with the super dramatic in three fearlessly sexual and entertaining seasons. The series promoted LGBT storylines in a pre-apocalyptic setting, where impending annihilation consistently threatened its leading men, Kevin (Gregory Michael) and Toby (Charlie David), who struggled to stay together amidst dark, mystical forces.
"It was a series that combined Dark Shadows with LGBT shows like Queer as Folk," director Sam Irvin explains. "It brought a popcorn sensibility to a genre that we hadn't seen before."
Fast forward 11 years, and cult fans of Dante's Cove may finally find out what happened after the island was nearly destroyed at the end of Season 3. The writers promise "hidden secrets and new rivalries...for the island's sexy new residents." The young hero of Season 4 "discovers emerging desires and powers that lead toward danger; powers the likes of which haven't been seen in generations. Meanwhile, a global conspiracy awakens and casts new dramatic light on disturbances in Dante's Cove."
Scripts have been written and casting has already taken place, the Kickstarter just needs $300,000 (six episodes at the cost of $50,000 each) to put Season 4 into motion and return viewers to the Cove!
Get on board and donate here.
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