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Sandra Bernhard Lectures the Antichrist in AHS: Apocalypse Teaser

Sandra Bernhard Lectures the Antichrist in AHS: Apocalypse Teaser

Sandra Bernhard Lectures the Antichrist in 'AHS: Apocalypse' Teaser

Plus, Evan Peters gets a bowl cut and Billy Eichner returns!

On this week's American Horror Story, the coven made their first offensive move against the agents of the Antichrist, and now they have to tackle the spawn of Satan himself. In a teaser for next week, Michael Langdon (Cody Fern) gets a few new helpers in the form of Evan Peters (in a bowl cut!) and Bill Eichner. The gay cherry on top of this bloody sundae is Sandra Bernhard as some kind of demonic motivational speaker. Um, can it be next week yet?

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American Horror Story: Apocalypse airs Wednesdays on FX.

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