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Travel & Nightlife

30 Postcards: Saving The Philippine Eagle In Davao City


Kevin Richberg's world tour takes him to The Philippines, where he does his part to save the nation's namesake eagle from extinction.

The Philippine Eagle is currently "critically endangered," meaning there are less than 600 of its kind left on the whole wide world. It's one step away from complete extinction.

This slide can and should be stopped, so for this episode of 30 Postcards, I traveled to The Philippine Eagle Center in Davao City, on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, the home to the largest wild group of these incredible birds, and an incredible vacation destination for those who want to devote their free time to saving one of the planet's most in-need creatures.

And it's a sure-fire way to get an authentic Philippine experience: saving this bird, a majestic symbol of Philippine pride, has become a national quest.

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Kevin Richberg