At just about midnight, Krave Massive opened on Saturday night at a former movie theater in downtown Las Vegas. The club, a new incarnation of the former Krave that lived on the Strip, declares itself to be the largest gay nightclub in the world (it stole the title from an Ibiza dance palace). From the looks of its fancy lobby, one of its cavernous, but spartan, dance floors, and the numerous theaters that are slowly being converted into theme rooms (hip-hop, ladies, drag performers,etc.) that claim seems about right.
Saturday's crowd was excited and sweaty (it is Las Vegas in June, after all) and the Krave staff was friendly and organized (and barely dressed). Check out the pics of the opening here and click here to read more about what the club plans to offer.
Beware of the Straightors: 'The Traitors' bros vs. the women and gays