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Topless Protesters Arrested at Trump's NYC Polling Site


"Trump, grab your balls."

At approximately 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday morning, two protesters were arrested at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's NYC polling site.

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The women, aged 28 and 30 years old, removed their shirts upon their arrival at the polling site (9 East 56th Street, which is right next to the famous NYC drag club Lips, FYI) to reveal painted slogans, "Trump, grab your balls" and "hate out of my polls."

At least one of the women had "FEMEN USA" painted on her back as well, signaling that they might be affiliated with the radical feminist activist group known for their topless protests.

While being escorted off the premises, one of the women yelled, "Grab your balls! Off of my boobs!" according to New York Magazine.

Check out footage of the incident below:

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