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California Vice Mayor Declares July as "Straight Pride Month"

California Vice Mayor Declares July as "Straight Pride Month"

California Vice Mayor Declares July as "Straight Pride Month"

"We don’t flaunt our differences dressing up like faries and prancing by the thousands in a parade in nearby San Francisco to be televised all around the world."

Although LGBT Pride month has now come to a close, some Twitter users have proposed July as the month LGBT Wrath. Perhaps they are onto something now that a California Vice Mayor has declared July as SPAM: Straight Pride American Month.

Vice Mayor of Dixon, Cali., Ted Hickman issued a call for a straight pride month in a column written for a local newspaper where he referred to Pride as "LGBTQF-WTF month" and arguing SPAM as a pro-family initiative.

"We ARE different from them... We work, have families, (and babies we make) enjoy and love the company (and marriage) of the opposite sex and don't flaunt our differences dressing up like faries and prancing by the thousands in a parade in nearby San Francisco to be televised all around the world...," he wrote.

Hickman's exaggerated remarks have since spawned a Facebook page "devoted to outting and recalling Ted Hickman, Vice Mayor of Dixon, CA," and a Dixon councilmember also released an official statement condemning "the venom that Councilman Hickman has spewed over the years."

The mayor of Dixon has also disapproved of Hickman's article in response to a constituent, but did not make plans to remove him citing the First Amendment's protection of Hickman's words.

Read Hickman's column below, pulled from this Facebook page.


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