Photography by Danielle Levitt
Schwarz's year in a word: Divine. The filmmaker and producer's latest feature documentary -- his fourth in five years -- chronicles the life and career of Harris Glenn Milstead, an overweight gay kid from Baltimore who transformed himself into Divine, the drag superstar, disco act, and outre leading lady of the John Waters classics Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, and Hairspray. Schwarz spent most of 2013 unveiling I Am Divine at film festivals worldwide before it opened in theaters this fall, right after he scored his first Emmy, for Outstanding Research, at the News and Documentary Emmy Awards, for his HBO film Vito, the story of gay activist and scholar Vito Russo. Schwarz is now at work on his next project, Tab Hunter Confidential, about the closeted 1950s matinee idol.
Photographed in Los Angeles on October 4, 2013