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VOICES editor Marie Adelina de la Ferriere
Out100 | Voices

Welcome to Out100's '30 Years, 30 Voices'

Oh, Out100, you look more fabulous with age!

For 30 years, Out100 has been the heartbeat of our vibrant community, celebrating the LGBTQ+ trailblazers, changemakers, and dreamers who make our world a more inclusive and dazzling place.

As we don the birthday hats, I am thrilled to introduce you to our Out100: '30 Years, 30 Voices.' This series is not just a collection of stories, but a personal journey through the courage and resilience of our honorees, each one a shining star in our community's history.

Thirty voices, and each has a unique story to tell. From the pioneers who blazed the trail from entertainment to business to the modern-day icons, politicians, and activists reshaping what it means to be LGBTQ+ in today's world, these voices are a testament to the power of authenticity and the infinite magic that happens when we dare to be ourselves. This series celebrates our diverse community, where every voice is valued and every story is important.

In this series, you'll find interviews that pull back the curtain on the lives of our honorees, revealing the triumphs and tribulations that have shaped them since their recognition. You'll discover personal reflections that glimpse the hearts and minds of those who've made an indelible mark on our community. And, of course, savor a few inspiring quotes that challenge, provoke, and inspire us to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

When we read the stories of the Out100 honorees of the past, we hear the echoes of our own struggles and triumphs. And in those echoes, we find the strength to keep pushing forward, dreaming, loving, and living—fiercely, bravely, and unapologetically.

"30 Years, 30 Voices" is not just a celebration of our past but a beacon that illuminates our future.

So, raise a toast with me as we embark on this marvelous journey together.

Welcome to Out100 Voices. Let the stories begin.



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Sofia Barrriera Pinto Soares
Jincey Lumpkin Out100 Voices Stories
Out100 | Voices

This 'lesbian Hugh Hefner' is creating a safe, inclusive place to explore sex

Out100 honoree Jincey Lumpkin shares her journey to LGBTQ+ visibility, acceptance, and creating a safe space for exploration.

30 Years, 30 Stories: join us in celebrating the 30th anniversary of Out100 with our Voices essays, featuring powerful personal narratives from past honorees that have shaped the LGBTQ+ community. Unlock the Out100 Vault to explore additional stories and reflect on three decades of progress and resilience. And, while you’re there, don’t forget to cast your vote for this year's Out100 Reader's Choice!

The "lesbian Hugh Hefner." The "Oprah of sexuality."

Being named to the Out100 list was a dream come true for Jincey Lumpkin, the sex-positive writer and 2010 honoree.

"I had just launched my company, Juicy Pink Box, and it was a huge moment for me," she shares. "I remember thinking, if I could just be in Out once, I knew I made it." The recognition was also a personal triumph.

Growing up in the American South, lesbian visibility was practically nonexistent. She came out at 25, and by the time she made the list five years later, Jincey was still dealing with some internalized homophobia and a lack of community. But it was her move to New York where she gained a deeper understanding of what it means to be queer.

Lumpkin's journey to that moment was one of determination and a desire to create something meaningful. In 2007, she began writing a sex blog; a year later, she found investors to launch her sex-positive company, Juicy Pink Box, a digital destination for "all things sexy."

Being named to the Out100 validated her efforts and acknowledged a community she longed to connect with.

"It was like being exploded out of a glitter cannon," Lumpkin laughs, describing how the recognition catapulted her career and bonded her even further with the LGBTQ+ community. Professionally, being named in the Out100 put her and her company "in a new stratosphere." People began to see her as someone with something to say, and it legitimized her work in a way that opened doors.

However, visibility also came with some challenges.

Lumpkin underwent personal changes, including a divorce and remarriage, all under the public gaze. She admits that navigating the dating world as a known figure was also peculiar. But through it all, she found love again and grew personally.

The company also evolved. It was initially marketed toward lesbians, but Lumpkin realized the importance of inclusivity. As the brand prepares for its relaunch, Juicy Pink Box embraces a broader spectrum of sexual and gender identities, aiming to provide a safe space for exploration.

"I think in the intervening years, I've really listened a lot and gained a lot of understanding," she explains. This evolution is reflected in the company featuring an inclusive adult entertainment section and pages dedicated to identity exploration.

At a time when queer identity is facing challenges, Lumpkin believes in the power of media representation and visibility. "Visibility isn't just about being seen; it's about being heard and understood," she asserts. Despite the erosion of progress in recent years, she remains committed to pushing for inclusivity and maintaining the rights gained.

Reflecting on the 30th anniversary of the Out100, Lumpkin feels a deep sense of pride and gratitude. "Being part of something really important and profound, amongst really good company, feels like a hug from the community," she reflects.

The evolution of Lumpkin and Juicy Pink Box has been about creating a safe, inclusive space for people to explore and understand their identities. She continues to dream big and push boundaries, all while staying true to her mission of understanding and acceptance.

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Marie-Adélina de la Ferrière

Marie-Adélina de la Ferrière is the Community Editor at equalpride, publisher of The Advocate, Out, Out Traveler, Plus, and A first-generation Haitian-American trans woman with a robust history of independent work as a communications and social media expert, she has tirelessly championed LGBTQ+ artists and performers, creating a vibrant community engagement approach that infuses each project with a dynamic and innovative perspective. Like and follow her on social: @ageofadelina.

Marie-Adélina de la Ferrière is the Community Editor at equalpride, publisher of The Advocate, Out, Out Traveler, Plus, and A first-generation Haitian-American trans woman with a robust history of independent work as a communications and social media expert, she has tirelessly championed LGBTQ+ artists and performers, creating a vibrant community engagement approach that infuses each project with a dynamic and innovative perspective. Like and follow her on social: @ageofadelina.