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Tom Ford solidified his fashion icon status during the Out100's 10th anniversary

Tom Ford solidified his fashion icon status during the Out100's 10th anniversary

2004 was indeed a pivotal point in his career as a fashion designer.

In 2004, Tom Ford was at a pivotal point in his career as a fashion designer. After revitalizing Gucci during his time as creative director, which began in 1994, Ford had turned the brand into a powerhouse known for its provocative and glamorous designs. However, 2004 marked the end of Ford's journey at both Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, following a publicized departure due to disagreements with the brand's parent company.

Despite leaving these iconic houses, Ford's impact on the fashion industry remains undeniable. His work at Gucci and YSL not only redefined the brands, but also set new standards for fashion, blending sophistication with bold, modern sensuality.

Fast forward to the present day, Tom Ford has successfully expanded his empire. In 2005, he launched his brand, Tom Ford, which has since become synonymous with high-end fashion, accessories, and beauty products. The brand's collections are celebrated for their sleek aesthetics and attention to detail, continuing Ford's legacy of luxury.

Ford also ventured into the world of filmmaking, making his directorial debut with A Single Man in 2009, which received critical acclaim and earned Colin Firth an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. Today, Tom Ford continues to influence fashion and entertainment. As the Chairman of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA), he plays a major role in shaping the future of fashion. His brand remains a favorite among celebrities and fashion enthusiasts.

OUT100: Tom Ford, Artist of the YearOUT100: Tom Ford, Artist of the

In 2004, LGBTQ+ media continued to evolve, breaking new ground in representation and storytelling. This year was marked by developments in television, film, and pop culture that highlighted the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community and pushed the boundaries of mainstream acceptance.

Television was a major arena for LGBTQ+ representation in 2004. The L Word premiered on Showtime, offering a look into the lives of a group of lesbian friends in Los Angeles. This series was one of the first to focus on lesbian characters, addressing their relationships, careers, and challenges with a realness rarely seen before. It quickly became a cultural phenomenon and staple for queer representation.

Reality TV also made strides with shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy which continued to captivate audiences with its blend of fashion, culture, and heartfelt transformations. The Fab Five brought queer culture into living rooms across America, calling for greater visibility and acceptance.

In film, Brokeback Mountain premiered at the Venice Film Festival, an incredible love story between two cowboys portrayed by Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. The film would go on to receive critical acclaim and numerous awards. Its representation of love and struggle in a conservative setting challenged ideas and opened up new conversations about sexuality in the most conservative communities.

The music industry saw the rise of openly LGBTQ+ artists who were not afraid to express their identities through their work. Scissor Sisters, a glam-pop band known for their flamboyant style and queer themes, released their debut album, which achieved commercial success and critical praise, cementing the presence of LGBTQ+ voices in music.

2004 was a year characterized by new stories and characters that reflected the community's diverse experiences. These developments not only provided representation but also helped to foster understanding and acceptance, laying the groundwork for advancements in LGBTQ+ visibility and rights.

See All 2023's Most Impactful and Influential LGBTQ+ People

In 2015, Barack Obama showed us what it truly meant to be an ally

In 2015, Barack Obama showed us what it truly meant to be an ally

Also honored in the Out100 were Dan Levy, Candis Cayne, Russell Tovey, Roxane Gay, and Cynthia Nixon.

Barack Obama, Ally of the year. When he was sworn into presidency on January 20, 2009, there were only TWO states where same-sex marriage was legal. By the end of the 44th president's second term, same-sex marriage was legal NATIONWIDE. From the historic legalization of same-sex marriage across the nation to the repeal of the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in the military, Obama's unwavering commitment to equality continues to resonate. Barack Obama continues his advocacy for equality and is a major supporter of President Joe Biden's campaign.

2015 was a massive, groundbreaking year for the LGBTQ+ community. Same-sex marriage became legal nationwide, progress was finally being made. The power was taken from the states and it forced the ugliest parts of America to see that love is LOVE. Turning over the marriage laws in 13 states, on the day thousands of couples rushed to get married, even in the most conservative towns across the country.

It was also a transformative year for trans visibility, as Laverne Cox was on the cover of TIME and Caitlyn Jenner came out on Vanity Fair's cover. Both making huge leaps for the trans community.

Although it was a year of progress for many, the climate created a lot of tension. In November, the attacks on Paris took the world by storm. A massive attack, with the loss of 103 lives and hundred other civilians wounded. Not too long after the attacks, Donald Trump became a frontrunner in the 2016 presidential election, causing more division in the country.

In 2015, LGBTQ+ media reached new heights of visibility and influence, with groundbreaking moments in television, film, and politics that explored the diversity of LGBTQ+ experiences.

Television saw the rise of trailblazing shows. Transparent, an Amazon Prime series created by Joey Soloway, The show centers around a family's journey after their patriarch comes out as a transgender woman, played by Jeffrey Tambor, won numerous awards, including a Golden Globe for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy. Its portrayal of gender identity and family dynamics resonated with audiences and sparked important conversations about transgender issues.

Orange Is the New Black, the Netflix series that already made waves with its diverse cast and complex characters, continued to shine in 2015. The show featured several LGBTQ+ characters, including the groundbreaking representation of a transgender woman, Sophia Burset, played by Laverne Cox. Cox's performance and visibility furthered the conversation around transgender rights and representation in the media. Shows like Empire, Supergirl, Rosewood, The Royals, and Blindspot also showed incredibly fluid and diverse characters throughout the year.

In films, Carol directed by Todd Haynes stunned audiences with its portrayal of a romantic relationship between two women in the 1950s. Starring Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara, the film received critical acclaim and multiple award nominations, highlighting LGBTQ+ love stories. Also in the film genre, Eddie Redmayne had been nominated for an Academy Award for his performance in The Danish Girl. A biographical film inspired by the life of trans woman Lili Elbe.

Social media also played a pivotal role in LGBTQ+ media in 2015. YouTube and other digital spaces became important platforms for queer voices and stories. Content creators like Tyler Oakley, an out gay YouTuber, continued to grow their audiences, using their platforms to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and share personal experiences. Additionally, the rise of web series such as Her Story, which focused on the lives and loves of trans women, showcased the power of social platforms in promoting underrepresented voices.

In music, out LGBTQ+ artists continued to make cultural contributions. Halsey, a bisexual singer-songwriter, released her debut album Badlands, which received commercial success. Her openness about her sexuality and mental health issues resonated with fans and added to the growing representation of LGBTQ+ individuals in the music industry.

2015 was a year of transformation, change and movements. A year that proved to be tough but also beautiful in many ways. With representation soaring in the press, in the government and in the media.

See All 2023's Most Impactful and Influential LGBTQ+ People

Gabriella Angelina

Gabriella Angelina is an entertainment journalist with a unique perspective on the world of TV and film. With a motto of "Don't watch me, watch TV," she has become known for her insightful and often humorous critiques of the latest in entertainment.

Follow her on TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube.

Gabriella Angelina is an entertainment journalist with a unique perspective on the world of TV and film. With a motto of "Don't watch me, watch TV," she has become known for her insightful and often humorous critiques of the latest in entertainment.

Follow her on TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube.