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48 Celebrities Who Came Out As LGBTQ+ in 2022
2022 has been a super queer AF year so far!

2022 is officially coming to an end. This year, a handful of notable folks have decided to publicly live their truths to the world, and we absolutely love to see it!
Here are all the celebrities who are living their best lives and who have come out as part of the LGBTQ+ community in 2022!
Photo: Instagram (@shaymitchell / @kit.connor / @davidbartatraining)
Ava Phillippe
The daughter of actors Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe, Ava Phillippe opened up about her sexuality in a January Q&A on her Instagram account. Though she didn't specifically label herself, she did say that she's attracted to people regardless of gender when asked whether or not she likes boys or girls.
"I'm attracted to...people!" Philippe wrote. "Gender is whatever."
Photo: Instagram (@avaphillippe)
Maria Thattil
A model, digital content creator, columnist, and former Miss Universe Australia, Maria Thattil came out as bisexual in a January episode of the Aussie reality television series I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!
"Growing up I always thought maybe a little bit bi-curious. And I've only ever dated straight people, but growing up I did have crushes on girls that I went to school with," she told one of her castmates at the time. "Before I came here [on the show], I was out at a party and I met a girl and we ended up hooking up. It just felt natural."
Photo: Instagram (@mariathattil)
Peach PRC
The musician and popular TikTok content creator came out as a lesbian in a January in a video where she teased her song "God Is a Freak."
"Since this song has been blowing up, I guess now is a good time to tell you all. I'm a lesbian," she wrote at the time.
Photo: Instagram (@peachprc)
Sawyer Fredericks
The singer-songwriter and The Voice alum (who won the eighth season of NBC's reality singing competition in 2015 while competing for Team Pharrell) opened about his sexuality in a February Instagram post where he came out as bisexual.
"Since I have not publicly said this in a post, I wanted say that I am bisexual," Fredericks wrote at the time. "When I was younger I thought I was straight, because I was more attracted to women, and I didn't know there were more options besides gay and straight. So I just assumed I was straight. I am privileged and have never been discriminated against for my sexuality or ashamed of it. I'm truly sorry for any of you who have been, and I hope it gets better."
"I'll probably lose some fans over this post, but that's fine with me."
Photo: Instagram (@sawyerfrdrx)
Kat Dubrow
The 15-year-old daughter of Real Housewives of Orange County star Heather Dubrow and celebrity plastic surgeon/Botched host Terry Dubrow publicly opened up in February to People Magazine about what it was like to come out as a lesbian to her family.
"All I cared about was creating an environment where they all felt safe, comfortable, happy," Heather told People, retelling the funny story about how Kat came out to the Drubrows in their family group text chat, but she initially missed the message. "Kat decided to drop in our family group text, 'By the way, I'm a lesbian.' I didn't see it, and I was mad because the dogs pooped in the house, so I wrote back, 'Who let the dogs poop in the house?' It was a total mom fail, and they've never let me forget that."
"She's asked me trillions of questions that really show she cares," Kat added about her mother's unwavering support. "She's asked me about my pronouns. It's really easy to talk to her. It's not like I have to build up courage if I have something to tell her."
Photo: Instagram (@heatherdubrow)
The Seattle-based drag performer and RuPaul's Drag Race season 14 contestant publicly came out as trans in a February Twitter post where she revealed that she had begun hormone therapy after filming of Drag Race wrapped back in the summer of 2021.
"I can't really think of a better time to tell y'all so here it goes: I'm straight too," she wrote, referencing the elimination of her fellow season 14 contestant (and the series' first straight cis male performer) Maddy Morphosis. "I'm a very private person but it would feel silly to not talk about this while I have this platform. After filming wrapped this summer, I began focusing on figuring out what medical transitioning would look like for me. I started HRT after getting back from Drag Race."
"I'm now in a place where I'm surrounded by love and support," they continued. "Love from my heaven sent boyfriend, stunning peers, and incredible friends. I'm not quite where I want to be yet, but I'm starting to see her [peek] through more and more."
Photo: Instagram (@hereisbosco)
Lil Wop
The Chicago rapper came out as bisexual to his 300K+ followers in a February Instagram post where he donned pigtails and a crop top.
"I'm bisexual," he captioned the post simply. "I like guys and girls. It's [whatever]."
Photo: Instagram (@lilwop17_)
Jasmine Kennedie
In emotional episode of Untucked that aired in February, RuPaul's Drag Race season 14 contestant Jasmine Kennedie opened up about her gender indentity and her journey to self acceptance, and how seeing other out, trans queens like Kerri Colby helped reaffirmed how she has always felt about who she is.
"Before coming here I was about to start hormones," she told her castmates. "And coming here I was scared and I didn't want to have to go through this process while going through that. But seeing Kerri and seeing how confident she is in who she is, it just further affirmed what I've been feeling my whole life."
"I definitely feel like I am trans," she continued. "I've been so scared to say it. I have held back from it for so long because I didn't want to hurt my dad but I can't lie about it anymore. I am trans."
Photo: Instagram (@jasminekennedie)
Jessica Phillips
In a February interview with People magazine, Broadway star Jessica Phillips, who is best known for playing the role of Evan's mother Heidi, revealed how the pandemic gave her time to think about her identity, and how after getting divorced from her husband last year lead to the realization that she and her publicist friend Chelsea Nachman are, actually, more than just good friends.
"That period of time really was a beautiful experience for me and also really painful and scary and sad because, as you know, when we open ourselves to change and newness, there's loss attached to that, and there was a lot of loss for me," Phillips, who now identifies as queer, said. "I do not have it figured out. I do not have the answers, but I certainly feel better knowing that most other people don't either -- that we're all in it together, that it's okay, that taking risks is okay, and changing your mind is okay."
Photo: Instagram (@thejessicaphillips)
Willow Pill
The RuPaul's Drag Race season 14 queen opened up further about her gender identity in a March tweet after talking about it initially in an episode of Untucked.
"I want to address some of the things I said in Untucked last week when I talked about my gender identity," Pill wrote about the episode, where she said she was "uncertain" about her gender and that the relationship is complicated because of the impact her condition has on her body. "Its taken me a long time to come to terms with my transness because so much space has been taken up by my illness. My condition has caused me so much physical and emotional pain that my body became something I always wanted out of."
"During quarantine, I started to explore my feelings about my illness and unpacked a lot of medical PTSD and self-hatred," she continued. "But only in the last year have I really started to realize that I'm not happy with my gender identity either. Much of that is due to being on Drag Race and feeling euphoria being Willow for the first time since quarantine and being around a bunch of queer and trans friends on set."
Photo: Instagram (@willowpillqueen)
John Cameron Mitchell
The legendary Hedwig and the Angry Inch and Joe vs. Carole actor came out as nonbinary in a March interview with PRIDE.
"Lately I've been getting a little bit of flack from some people saying only trans people can play that role because it's a trans role," Mitchell said about his beloved Hedwig role. "I'm not trans, I'm non-binary, but that's a slippery slope because the character is forced into an operation and is not really trans."
Photo: Instagram (@johncameronmitchell)
Tevin Campbell
The Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter and R&B star opened up about his sexuality on social media in March.
In a now-deleted tweet that was screenshotted by celebrity gossip and news site The Jasmine Brand and posted to Instagram, the 45-year-old crooner, who is best known for his early '90s classics like "Can We Talk" and "I'm Ready," reportedly confirmed that he is gay to a fan.
"My mom keeps telling me Luther Vandross, Teddy Pendergrass, and Tevin Campbell were gay," the fan's tweet read, to which Campbell simply quote-tweeted and said, "Tevin is," accompanied by the rainbow flag and sunglasses emojis.
Then in August, during an interview with People Magazine's Every Day podcast, the R&B star reminisced about his decades-long career in the music/entertainment industry so far, while also giving listeners a rare glimpse into his personal life and confirming that he does identify as a gay man.
"When I came out to my family and friends [at] about 19 or 20, that was it for me," he told People about coming out to those closest to him in life years ago. "And then I went on the road of discovering myself. I didn't know who I was."
He continued:
"What makes me happiest right now is how far I've come in life. You know, there are a lot of child stars that don't make it. But a lot of us do, and the fact that I've embraced me."
Photo: Instagram (@tevincampbell)
Anna Paul
The Australian influencer and OnlyFans model came out as part of the LGBTQ+ family in a March Instagram Q&A.
When asked by a fan what label she would put on her sexuality, offering up a choice between "bi or straight," Paul didn't explicitly label herself, saying that she would "date any gender...[as long] as they're nice."
Photo: Instagram (@anna_paull)
Jaiden Animations
The popular gaming YouTuber came out as aromantic asexual in a March video posted to her channel.
In the video, she explains how she mistook friendships and other various relationships with folks for romantic attraction over the years and what made her realize that she was aromantic: a generic romance song that she heard on the radio. "I just suddenly thought to myself, 'Wait do people actually feel these things towards each other. Like all these mushy lyrics are real emotions? They're not joking?' That's when I started feeling like something was different."
Photo: Screenshot via YouTube (@jaiden)
Trinity The Tuck
The RuPaul's Drag Race season 9 finalist and All Stars 4 co-winner came out as transgender and nonbinary in an emotional March Instagram post, sharing their ongoing journey in the hopes they can help others going through the same thing feel more seen.
"Years ago after starting drag I seriously questioned how I identified with my gender," Trinity wrote. "That's why I altered my body starting at the age of 21 to look more feminine and also started hormone therapy for a short period."
She continued: "I stopped because I personally don't know that I would be comfortable living as female with the way I'd physically look. Everyone has their own journey I suppose. I've spoken with many of my friends who are trans to get their thoughts and insight over the years. I still don't know where my journey will take me, but I am trans-NB. I wanted to share my feelings in hopes that others who felt like me would know they aren't alone. Sending out love! I hope it finds you."
Photo: Instagram (@trinitythetuck)
Emeli Sandé
The "Next To Me" singer revealed that she is currently in a relationship with another woman in a March interview with Metro, although she isn't quite ready to label her sexuality just yet.
"We met through music," Sande said. "And I definitely feel happier than ever. It feels great."
She continued: "I'm not sure what I identify as but I guess so. I just feel like I should fall in love with whoever I fall in love with."
Photo: Instagram (@emelisande)
Jerrod Carmichael
The comedian, actor, and star of the NBC's The Carmichael Show came out as gay in April during his HBO Max comedy show Rothaniel.
"After that was out in the open, I was left alone feeling like a liar, because I had a secret," Carmichael said during one point in his special, opening up about how he caught his father cheating on his mother when he was younger and how he also had a secret of his own that he was hiding. "One that I kept from my father, my mother, my family, my friends, and you. Professionally, personally. And the secret is that I'm gay."
He continued: "I'm accepting the love, I really appreciate the love. My ego wants to rebel against it. I rebelled against it my whole life. I thought I'd never, ever come out. At many points I thought I'd rather die than confront the truth of that, to actually say it to people. Because I know it changes some people's perceptions of me. I can't control that."
Photo: Shutterstock
David Barta
The reality television star publicly came out as pansexual during the fifth season premiere of MTV's Ex on the Beach in April.
"I think I'm here definitely to get to know myself better and accept myself more," Barta said during the episode. "A big thing that has been going on for me, behind closed doors, in the past year and a half or so, has been my sexuality. Talking to guys is still pretty new for me. I've been interested in men for years now, I just haven't been honest with myself."
"Pansexual: relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction that is not limited to people of a particular gender identity or sexual orientation. Per Merriam-Webster Dictionary, this is part of what and who I am. My sexuality does not define me but it is definitely part of who I am. Over the last two years, I've come to the realization that I am not a straight man," he also wrote in a statement posted on his Instagram account. "Call it pansexual, call it bisexual, call it sexually fluid (my preference), or all of the above. It's me. Above all these titles, I'm just David. I'm still the same exact person, just a little more honest and open to what life has in store for me."
Photo: Instagram (@davidbartatraining)
Ozzy Lusth
In an April tweet, the popular Survivor contestant and OnlyFans star publicly came out as bisexual while sending a strong message to his conservative, anti-LGBTQ+ Republican colleagues and followers.
"For my Republican colleagues, and anyone else who matters, yeah, I'm bisexual," he wrote. "Am I committing crimes?? If so come get me. Let us ALL live with dignity. Ask yourself if you support people or the fucked dogma you've been fed. #ozzyisbi."
Photo: Instagram (@ozcardagrouch)
Rae Williams
One of the stars of Netflix's reality dating series The Ultimatum, Williams publicly came out as bisexual in April during the show's reunion special.
"I have been with one person...she's amazing. I had a really good connection with her but we kept it casual and I'm kind of figuring out myself and my sexuality, because I was very uncomfortable with being bi for a very long time," she told hosts Nick and Vanessa Lachey. "Since Zay [her The Ultimatum costar] and I have been done, I've just been with one girl, and it's kind of been great, honestly."
Photo: Instagram (@rae.williams)
Janelle Monáe
In the April, season five premiere of Facebook Watch's Red Table Talk series, the Grammy-nominated Dirty Computer singer and actor chatted with hosts Jaida Pinkett Smith, Willow Smith, and Adrienne Banfield Norris, opening up about how they now identify as nonbinary.
"I'm nonbinary, so I just don't see myself as a woman, solely. I feel all of my energy," they said. "I feel like God is so much bigger than the 'he' or the 'she.' And if I am from God, I am everything. I am everything. But I will always, always stand with women. I will always stand with Black women. But I just see everything that I am. Beyond the binary."
Photo: Instagram (@janellemonae)
The popular and incredibly private video game streamer, who is most known for playing Minecraft and for streaming on Twitch, came out in an April Twitter Q&A with his followers when he was asked by a fan what his favorite moment in the gay, romantic, teen Netflix series Heartstopper was. Linking a bunch of previous tweets he wrote alluding to being attracted to men, he wrote: "I mean how many more clues can I give."
"For those confused basically I guess I am technically unlabeled as the way I have kinda always gone around life just being attracted to whoever I am attracted to it just so happens that most of them line up with a 'certain type' you could say," he later clarified, saying that he is "okay with the gay label."
Photo: Instagram (@ranboomc)
Vincent Wang -- the popular, UK-based League of Legends esports player better known by his streaming name Biofrost -- publicly came out as gay in a May Twitter statement.
"I'm gay," he wrote. I've struggled with my personal identity my entire life. "While my parents were working in China, I moved around a lot from homestay to homestay, which is basically where you live in a stranger's home. At the age of 8, I was bombarded with homophobic and sexist remarks at home. I was hyper-conscious of how I should act and tried not to act or sound 'gay,' but I was still constantly bullied for it."
He continued:
"The gaming industry is rampant with sexism, prejudice, and homophobia. I don't believe there's a quick fix, but it starts with us holding ourselves to a higher standard and treating everyone with dignity. We need to educate people in esports of proper conduct within the workplace."
Photo: Instagram (@vincentgmd)
Isaiah Rashad
Isaiah Rashad opened up about his sexuality and publicly coming out as sexually fluid in a May interview with Joe Budden on Patreon.
"I'd say I'm sexually fluid," Rashad told Budden during their chat.
"What does that mean?" Budden asked.
"I'm still learning about it myself," Rashad says. "I'm putting my head in the books to find out the basics of it. But basically, I'm not in full control when I walk into a room of who I'm attracted to."
He continued:
"Just because I grew up in high school I dated this type of person, in college dated this type of person, it doesn't mean that as an adult it's always going to be, like, specific. But I'm more so attracted to a personality, and I'm attracted to the intellect. And sometimes it's just being attracted to somebody."
Back in February of this year, the emcee was, unfortunately, the victim of a sex tape leak. Explicit videos circulated online showing Rashad both giving and receiving oral sex from men, effectively outting him to the world, and though he addressed the leak in April during his set at the annual Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival and thanked his fans for their unwavering support of him during such a difficult time, he had yet to open up about how he identifies.
Photo: Instagram (@isaiahrashad)
Aunjanue Ellis
The Oscar-nominated King Richard actress had long been out as bisexual to her friends and coworkers, but it was when she went to the 2022 Essence Black Women in Hollywood Awards that she first commented on her sexuality publicly. She did so by having the word "Queer" emblazoned on her Dolce & Gabanna suit jacket in rhinestones on her left arm.
However, despite the statement, not very many people caught onto her coming out.
"I was thinking, 'Why didn't more people pay attention to that?' And I was like, 'They probably thought it said 'Queen,'" she told Variety in June. "It wasn't that I was expecting any sort of major reaction or anything like that. One of my family members noticed, but nobody else did."
According to Ellis, that family member already knew she was bi, but felt "hurt" that she would express her sexuality so publicly.
"I am a work in progress, and my family and my community are works in progress," she said. "I really believe that that is important to say because I'm not alone. We see people on the other side of it, where everybody's good and fine: 'Love is love.'"
Photo: Shutterstock
Rebel Wilson
Though she didn't specifically label herself, the Pitch Perfect and Senior Year actor came out in a June Instagram post where she revealed she has a girlfriend, a woman named Ramona Agruma.
"I thought I was searching for a Disney Prince," she captioned the sweet pic, alongside a rainbow emoji and the hashtag #LoveIsLove. "But maybe what I really needed all this time was a Disney Princess."
Photo: Instagram (@rebelwilson)
Though the pop singer has been open about her sexuality for years (in 2019 she told Attitude that she was bisexual and in an open relationship), she took to Instagram in June to celebrate Pride Month and to talk even further about her sexuality, reminding everyone that she is, in fact, a queer icon who is "not gay and not straight."
"In case I haven't been straightforward enough (LOL) I just wanted to take a sec to tell everyone that you are not only enough, just as you are, but the world is so fucking lucky to have you," she wrote in her post. "I'm not gay. I'm not straight. I don't know what I am. I love people. I love people because we are all our own little consciousness journeys, dancing around the sun."
"How weird and interesting and fun this life is, right? I refuse to be anything, really, except for open to it all," she continued. "I know it can be confusing sometimes, but you are so seen and loved. Love u animals, happy pride see u at Stonewall soon!!!!!"
Photo: Shutterstock
Luke Baines
Though he didn't specifically label himself, the Shadowhunters actor publicly came out in a June Instagram post where he said he has fallen in love twice in his life, once to a woman and once to a man.
"I've been lucky enough to have been in love twice -- the first time with a woman, the second with a man," he wrote.
He continued:
"Label that however you like, but all I know is love. Happy Pride!"
Photo: Shutterstock
Dan Jervis
The British distance swimmer and Olympian publicly came out as gay in June after competing at the World Championships in Budapest.
"I was adjusting to everything else, just trying to fit in -- until I thought, 'Just be you,'" Jervis told the BBC's LGBT Sport Podcast.
"You know, we're just before the Commonwealth Games, and there are going to be kids and adults watching who will know that I'm like them and that I'm proud of who I am," he continued. "Now is a good time for me because the Commonwealth Games is in a month's time, and there's going to be a lot of people watching that, and there are so many countries in the Commonwealth where being gay is illegal. And for me to be [visible] on that stage and to inspire people is what I'm here to do."
Photo: Getty Images
Leon Brown
Leon Brown, the child of Sister Wives stars Kody Brown and Meri Brown, came out as trans and genderqueer, and "unapologetic" in a June Instagram post.
Brown started their message by saying that someone recently told them they didn't have to have everything figured out in order to share it.
"So here's me, definitely not having almost any of my shit figured out, to let you know that I am trans," they wrote. "My name is Leon or Leo (I love both) and my pronouns are they/them."
"I remember the first time that I knew I wasn't a girl," their message continues. "I was pretty young & unfortunately I grew up in a context that was incredibly gendered & restrictive. So I continued to be socialized as a girl & later a woman. And here's the thing, I'm finally ready to share my favorite with the world. And that self is incredibly genderqueer, trans, and unapologetic."
Photo: Instagram (@leointhemountains)
Elizabeth Corrigan
Elizabeth Corrigan, who is best known for being a contestant on The Bachelor's 26th season earlier this year publicly came out as bisexual in June after attending her first Pride in New York City.
"It's hard to know the right way to say these things, or the right time. Today seems like both and neither," she wrote on Instagram. "Am I ready? No. Am I scared? Yes. Will the 'right time' come? Qualify it."
She continued:
"It's important to me today to share with you all that I am queer. More specifically I am, always have been, and always will be--bisexual."
Photo: Instagram (@elizabethccorrigan)
ND Stevenson
Nate Stevenson, professionally known as ND Stevenson, came out in a June comic posted to his social media accounts, updating his name and pronouns.
"Hello! I have something to tell you! My name is Nate!" the comic starts out. "And my pronouns are he/him! ...But I am not (entirely) a boy."
"I've chosen a 'male' name and 'male' pronouns because this is how I want to interact with a world that demands we choose one of two. But I am not one of two," it continues. "I am keeping my middle name 'Diana.' It is my way of paying tribute to this other side of me. I may keep it hidden and close to my heart, but I am not ashamed of it. It is mine and no one else's."
He specified that professionally, he'll be ND Stevenson, to keep a connection to his past work.
Photo: Instagram (@gingerhazing)
Lil Uzi Vert
July was an eventful month for Lil Uzi Vert. The rapper made headlines when they publicly updated their pronouns to they/them in their Instagram bio.
The update happened in tandem with the Soundcloud release of "Space Cadet," a fresh track from the artist's upcoming LP P!nk.
Along with corresponding the pronoun update with the release of their new track, the shift is significant for another reason: it happened the same week as International Nonbinary People's Day, which was celebrated on July 14.
Photo: Getty Images
Adam B
Popular content creator and YouTuber Adam Beales came out as gay in a July video posted to his channel. Better known to his fanbase as simply Adam B, the Northern Ireland native's nine-minute coming-out video, which he shared with his 3.42 million YouTube subscribers, explored his journey with sexuality as well as praising his family for their undying support of him.
"So...I'm Gay... I said it," he said with a smile of relief on his face. The video then transitioned to the internet personality sitting down with his whole family, who were there with him right from the moment he told them. "That's the best feeling ever - being able to love life, to wake up in the morning and feel like nothing at all has happened. It was the best," Beales said.
Photo: Instagram (@adambyt)
Toby Rudolf
Professional rugby player Toby Rudolf opened up about sexual fluidity and his personal dating history, including who he has kissed, in a July interview with the Sydney Morning Herald. The 26-year-old Australian rugby star and Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks teammate got frank about sexuality, saying: "Sexuality is very fluid. I've been out and kissed many gay men, kissed many straight women, and kissed many gay women."
He continued:
"I'm not a one-stop shop. Love is love, and I love to share it with everyone. That's probably why I love going to all the gay bars in Sydney as well. I love dancing with my shirt off and getting down Universal on Oxford Street until 2 a.m."
Photo: Instagram (@tobyrudolf)
Solomon Bates
Minor League baseball player publicly came out as gay in an emotional August Instagram post. The 25-year-old athlete and former Richmond Flying Squirrels player revealed to his fans and followers that while he is no longer playing for the team, which is part of the San Francisco Giants system, he is thankful for the time he had and isn't giving up on his love of baseball, especially as an out, gay man.
"Being gay in this sport, you don't know what comes at you!" he wrote. "I thank the Giants for giving me the opportunity to be myself and go out there and play the game that I love the most. I'm still in shock on what just happened. But I'm not giving up on what I want to do."
He continued:
"I'm still going to open up doors for gay athletes like me. Still will strive to be one of the greatest to do it. I ended on a high note from getting hurt to going out there and pitching my ass off. Baseball I'm not done with you. I'm leaving on my terms and my terms only. Gay men can play a manly sport if you give us a chance to. Thank you, Giants, you guys made a new fan. But gave me a chip to keep going. I love all the new friends that I've made. I'm not going to cry. I'm going to keep pushing."
Photo: Instagram (@solomonbates)
Ellia Green
The Aussie Olympic gold medalist and rugby player came out as a trans man in an August video for the Bingham Cup's International Summit Tackling Transphobia and Homophobia in Sport event.
"I promised myself that when my rugby career ended, I would continue to live the rest of my life in the identity and the body that I that I know I am meant to be in," he said.
He continued:
"Being open about my gender identity is a really difficult thing to do these days. All you have to do is turn on the TV, look on social media platforms, and you can see the amount of bullying, harm, and discrimination that goes on about gender identities. It's extremely harmful, so for someone to be open and honest about their identity to the public eye is absolutely daunting."
Photo: Instagram (@elliagreen)
Sanjaya Malakar
In an August interview with The Adam Sank Show podcast, the American Idol alum opened up about his bisexuality, and how he used to have to deny that part of himself in years past.
"At the time, I did not not know, which was why it was so weird for me," he said. "I was raised by women, I was in theater, I had a hard time figuring out how to interact with young boys."
He continued:
"Everyone [kept] telling me that I'm gay, and I'm like, seven. I'm like, I don't even have any attraction to anyone, so why are you telling me this? At this point, I don't care what people know of my sexuality."
Photo: Instagram (@sjmalakar)
French singer-songwriter Chris opened up about his gender identity and his new stage name, Christine and the Queens Presents Redcar, in an August TikTok video. The artist shared that he uses he/him pronouns now and that he has been presenting as masculine in his personal life over the past year.
"I've been a man for a year now - a little more officially in my family and in my relationship," he shared in the video. "It is a long process."
Photo: Instagram (@christineandthequeens)
Jena Malone
The Donnie Darko, Sucker Punch, and Rebel Moon star came out as pansexual in an August Instagram post, writing:
"I guess It felt like I was a heterosexual man in a woman's body. I visualized his desires and placed them on to me. But this was never the whole of the story that was meant for me. So I've been learning a new way to tell it. Using words to guide me, not define me. That my sexual identity has more to teach and to tell me. Finding words that feel more right to explore in my telling. Pansexuality. Sapiosexuality. Polyamory. A fuller spectrum of understanding that my story is demanding of me. And I'm honoring it today with this soft and sleepy little stretch of a dance. I love humans."
Photo: Instagram (@jenamalone)
Zander Murray
The Scottish pro footballer and Gala Fairydean Rovers player publicly came out as gay in a September interview posted to his football club's official website.
"I put a post on my social media telling folk I was gay," he said of the decision. "I didn't need to sit the boys down in the changing room and tell them."
Photo: Instagram (@zandermurray19)
Ginger Gonzaga
The She-Hulk actress, who plays She-Hulk's BFF and paralegal Nikki Ramos, used her character's queerness in the series to publicly come out as bisexual herself in September.
"I wish that we got to do more. Nikki is definitely queer, she's free, she'll love anyone," Gonzaga told TVLine at the time. "I thought of her initially as being bi, because I'm kind of projecting myself onto this character."
She continued:
"But in truth I think Nikki will love anyone -- and she can hang with anyone, which is fun. She can hang with villains, and she can all of a sudden convince them to get on her side. She can charm herself out of any situation. There are no rules for Nikki, which is a nice balance with Jen Walters."
Photo: Instagram (@gingerthejester)
Charlie McDonnell
The popular British YouTuber and Twitch streamer came out as trans, updating her pronouns to she/they and unveiling a new pic of her beautiful face in an October Instagram post.
"Gender reveal! Still going by Charlie but the new pronouns are she/they!" she captioned the post.
Photo: Instagram (@coollike)
Shay Mitchell
Though she has been vocal and open about her attraction to women in the past, in an October post on TikTok, Shay Mitchell seemingly confirmed her bisexuality when she stitched another user's post asking, "If you identify as bisexual... do you own a green velvet couch?"
In the post, the Dollface, You, and Pretty Little Liars star can then be seen showing off and laying down on her very own green velvet couch.
Photo: Instagram (@shaymitchell)
Emily Ratajkowski
Model and actress Emily Ratajkowski seemingly came out as bisexual in October in a viral TikTok video where she can be seen sitting on and showing off her green velvet couch, the same TikTok trend Shay Mitchell participated in previously before her.
Photo: Instagram (@emrata)
Kit Connor
After taking a break from social media following online accusations of "queerbaiting," the 18-year-old British actor took to Twitter on Halloween to publicly come out as bisexual.
The popular Heartstopper actor said he felt "forced" to come out by critics who were questioning his sexuality.
"Back for a minute," Connor wrote in his coming-out tweet. "I'm bi. Congrats for forcing an 18-year-old to out himself. I think some of you missed the point of the show. Bye."
Photo: Instagram (@kit.connor)
Pedro Sampaio
In a November interview with Brazilian publication G1, the popular DJ, producer, and popstar opened up about his sexuality, saying that although he rejects specific labels, he does date both men and women.
"I think it's so tired [to ask for labels]: 'I'm gay,' 'I'm bi,' 'I'm straight.' You are yourself, you do what you want, when you want it, with whomever you want," Sampaio told G1. When asked if he felt free to date men and women, Sampaio said, "Yes, I do."
Photo: Instagram (@pedrosampaio)
August Alsina
The singer seemingly came out in November when he opened up in the season finale of VH1's The Surreal Life.
During one part of the show, Alsina began to talk about love.
"Love showed up, but in a new way," he said in the episode. "I want to share that and really honor the person that I love and loves me back and is teaching me so much about love and healing. I want to do that in front of the world because it defies all of the constructs one would say love is supposed to be or love should look like."
Another man then joined Alsina, sitting down next to him. "I love you," Alsina tells him on camera.
Photo: Instagram (@augustalsina)
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Raffy Ermac
Raffy is a Los Angeles-based writer, editor, video creator, and critic.
Raffy is a Los Angeles-based writer, editor, video creator, and critic.